Marvel Anime Wolverine Saison 1 Episode 1 en streaming vf et vostfr

Dernier episode selectionne : Episode 1
Image Marvel Anime Wolverine

Les aventures de Logan, aka Wolverine, qui prend la direction du Japon pour retrouver la femme de sa vie : Mariko ! Déterminé à la sauver, il sort les griffes et ne recule devant rien pour voler au secours de sa belle, au prix de quelques sacrifices…

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One night in New York, Logan saves a man named Tesshin Asano who was being attacked by members of AIM equipped with cloaking devices and metal destroying weaponry. Asano tells Wolverine about the whereabouts of his missing love, Mariko Yashida, and the crime organization Kuzuryu, the leader of which is Mariko's father, Shingen. Mariko is allegedly arranged to be married to a man named Hideki Kurohagi in order to expand his operations. In order to find Mariko, who was kidnapped from New York a year ago, Logan flies to Tokyo and infiltrates the Yashida household, but is detected by Shingen. After his henchmen are defeated, Shingen challenges Logan to a bokken fight. Logan barely manages to withstand Shingen's swordsman skills, but is shot with a drugged dart by Hideki, before going into a rage and bringing out his claws.
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